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You Could Be Sabotaging Your Content Marketing Campaigns In 4 Ways

Are you harming your social media and content marketing efforts? Here are five things you should never do in your marketing initiatives. (marketing campaign)

Do you want to increase interaction and traffic on the social media networks where you share your content?

You do, of course.

However, it is easier said than done to create and manage efficient digital content marketing and social media strategies.

With the start of a new decade, marketers are still grappling with how to execute strategic and thoughtful digital marketing plans, particularly when it comes to combining content marketing with social media.

It has never been, and will never be, enough to simply publish a boatload of content and distribute it arbitrarily via traditional social media channels.

In fact, as more businesses produce more content, it’s becoming increasingly necessary to invest time in ensuring a robust structure and procedure is in place.

Here are ways you could be harming your social media and content marketing efforts.

These are common blunders made by marketing organisations when launching multi-channel organic or paid content efforts.

1. Don’t Share Your High-Quality Content With Anyone(marketing campaign)

With all of the recent and current buzz surrounding the importance of content marketing, it’s easy to believe that the only way to win is to create and share as much rich, high-quality information as possible.

However, it is pointless to create high-quality content if sufficient time is not spent determining who will consume the information and where this audience can be reached.

The creation of comprehensive audience personas is the first and most important step in the planning and development of any successful content strategy.

  • Determine who you anticipate reading, like, and sharing your work.
  • What are their favourite things to do, dislike to do, and emotional triggers?
  • What are the questions they’re looking for answers to?
  • When and where are these persons most likely to be online consuming content?

Once you’ve determined who and where your target audience is, you’ll need to devote a significant amount of effort to earning their confidence.

If you want your audience to enjoy, share, and otherwise endorse your material (and, by implication, your brand), you’ll need to persuade them that you are the authority you claim to be.

To build an audience, one way is to:

  • Identify and follow key influencers in your industry.
  • Make an effort to communicate with them.
  • Share their stuff in the hopes of receiving something in return.
  • Any trustworthy relationship will, by definition, take time to develop.

Others will supply the validation you want in the form of a like, remark, share, or click if they believe your material has worth or is otherwise engaging.

2. Making it Difficult to Share(marketing campaign)

One of my pet peeves as a content consumer and liker/sharer is not being able to simply share something I’ve read that I believe will benefit some of my followers.

Share buttons that are prominently displayed within blog posts or other content layouts are a given, but they are frequently absent.

A number of plugins are also available that allow users to share quotes or other highlighted text directly from within a post.

While I like the presence of share buttons inside the article, I am disappointed that the post title, author’s social handle, and/or brand account’s handle are not included in the message being shared socially.

This is usually due to a misconfigured plugin.

If one of a brand’s or author’s key aims is to grow their audience, why would they not include their contact information with their shared content?

Why put content out there if it’s going share anonymously?

Don’t be afraid to use a call to action in your blog entries.

If you’ve built a trustworthy relationship and created content that others might benefit from, encourage your viewers to “pass it on.”

3. Sending Messaging That Isn’t Consistent(marketing campaign)

This may seem obvious, but there are challenge which is consistency of messaging from social to primary content, especially when they isolate the content teams(e.g., social team, blog content team).

Prior to publication, one person or group should examine social posts and the content they link to for tone, keywords, hashtags, and calls to action to ensure consistency.

If any of these are noticeably out of sync, customers may confuse at having wasted their time clicking on one message only to find something completely different or not what they expected.

If this happens frequently enough, the brand will lose the confidence and authority you’ve worked so hard to establish.

4. Consistent messaging across all channels

Several social media distribution solutions are available to assist marketers in sharing links to the same content across numerous networks and saving time.

While this efficiency is unquestionably desirable and financially justified, it should not come at the expense of generating the appropriate messages for the appropriate audiences.

And please, please, please don’t copy and paste the same message into each channel.

Every brand has a few loyal customers who follow them around everywhere they go, and this is not a good look.

Each social network has its own manner of delivering content, and as a result, it attracts different types of users who consume content in different ways.

Twitter’s format and history, for example, favours short, succinct messages, but Facebook posts can be much lengthier and more in-depth.

Although Instagram and YouTube are primarily image and video-based platforms, they also provide chances for text, hashtags, links, and calls to action that we should not miss out.

Source: marketing campaign, marketing campaign examples 

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