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7 Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Education

Artificial intelligence has recently been introduced in the educational system. This advanced technology
is giving way to revolutionizing and bettering the educational system. Thanks to this innovation many
students around the world have learned to be smart workers rather than hard workers.

There is no one way that Artificial Intelligence has changed the way we see, learn and observe. There
are many ways that a student and a professor can now make lessons easier to learn and teach. In this
post, you will discover 7 roles of Artificial Intelligence in Education.

AI for Disabilities

Students with disabilities have always been left out from the advancement of education. Any change of
schedule or curriculum has never been in the interest of the students with disabilities. With the rise of
In Artificial Intelligence, the students who are visually impaired, deaf, mute, or handicapped can now take
advantage of multiple applications to help them out.

Visually impaired students can now use applications such as KFNB reader, MBRaille, TapTapSee, and
Voice Dream writer. These applications are solely for students who cannot see and have to use voice
recognition to understand a lesson while taking notes simultaneously.

Deaf and Mute students have advanced AI applications used in schools and colleges such as AVA,
RogerVoice, Voxsci, and tap SOS. The applications mentioned are all designed for students who are deaf
and mute. Their disabilities are not holding them back anymore. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence these
apps can read lips and give immediate data on the phone screens.

Handicapped students have a very difficult time attending schools and colleges. Since the rise of online
classes, physically disabled students have found it comforting that do not have to leave the comfort of
their houses to attend classes.

AI Tutors

This is advancement in technology is such a blessing for both teachers and students. Artificial
Intelligence has given birth to classroom learning that does not have to involve a teacher. That’s right!
All you need is an AI tutor to take the class. This came particularly in handy when the global pandemic
hit the entire world.

Most adults had caught COVID-19 and the schools and colleges did not have enough staff to teach online
classes. AI tutors were provided with a curriculum and the rest is history. With a high success rate, the
students were very happy to receive help from an AI tutor as they found the concept fascinating.

AI coursework is writing companies that have the capability to complete your entire coursework in one
semester. Students send in bulk essays and assignments and receive quality work within the timeframe.

AI Language

The language barrier between a student and a teacher has caused many students to drop out of degree
programs. Some students who have chosen a minor as a language used to find it difficult to
communicate with their native-speaking teachers.

The biggest struggle was for an international student, who had to translate their lessons into their
language first and then understand the concepts. But that now all of that is history, the AI applications
have changed the way students and teachers communicate now. The students can download apps such
as Memrise, LinguaLift, Rosetta Stone, and Duolingo.

These language apps are mostly free and if you want a challenging level, you have to pay a small amount
for the premium packages. You get to learn language from an AI and have it grade your conversational

Organization Through AI

When you are a student, you have tons to worry about. You got your quizzes, midterms, lecture notes to
make, coursework, and homework. You need to get organized and you need someone to manage your
tasks according to priority. This has been a struggle for every student before the rise of AI applications
that have completely revolutionized the way students take care of their “to-do list”.

Applications such as myHomework Student Planner, Trello, Evernote, Distraction-blocking apps, To-do
list apps, Coach.me, Google Keep, and Quizlet have truly changed the lives of students and teachers.
Now you can arrange an AI organizer to remind you, schedule your study time.

AI Academic help

Since AI technology is smarter than humans, research papers such as PhD Research Proposal writing service is also provided without any mistakes.

You can get an AI to build your coursework from scratch, just add in the requirements and watch the
magic happen. No matter how extensive the topic is or how little time you have, most AI academics help
perform well under a time crunch.

The referencing style and literature review are so accurate that you do not have to double-check the
work. Be it a humanities thesis help or PhD Dissertation Proposal Help UK, nothing is impossible for
Artificial Intelligence.

If you wish to do your own coursework but are worried about plagiarism, grammar or performance.
There are apps like Duplichecker and Copyleaks that have been invented to check your plagiarism

Other apps such as Turnitin and Grammarly are also AI applications that suggest you better grammar
and sentence structures to reduce your workload. These applications have completely the students do
their homework and how the teacher check them.

Personalized Learning by AI

Have you ever struggled with getting in touch with your teachers or professors after classes? Those were
the old days, now the students can easily use an AI chatbot on the portal of your institution to get
automated replies on your homework or your lesson.

If you are stuck on a topic and need to ask questions, you can easily connect with your professors and
get the information you want. This is one of the Artificial Intelligence features that have immensely
changed the way education had been viewed.

Most students are shy in classrooms or some just experience anxiety. These students can schedule a
personalized class through AI assistance and learn better. The struggle of understanding lessons on your
own and failing classes are long gone. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence all those problems have been

What do you think about this post? Do you think that AI help has revolutionized the way you learn? Or
the traditional learning is a better option?

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