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Starting University? How to Get Off on the Right Foot

Starting university, whether you are moving away for the first time, or living at home, is a scary thing. It’s a big change, and this period can have a huge impact on the rest of your life, in terms of your future career, but also your relationships and lifestyle. It’s normal to be nervous, excited, worried and a little overwhelmed by everything that’s changing. But university isn’t like high school. You’ll be treated like an adult and expected to hit the ground running after a very short settling-in period. Here are some tips to help you to get started on the right foot.

Make Sure You’ve Got Everything You Need

Before you start, your school should be in touch to tell you what you need for the course. Generally, this will include things like textbooks and stationery. But that’s not all that you will need, especially if you are moving away from home. You’ll need a laptop, so if you need one take a look at these Lenovo Laptops for School. You might also need things like bedding, kitchenware, towels, and other household items.

If you are staying in university accommodations, make sure you know what’s included, and what you need to provide for yourself. Then, make sure you’ve got it all before you move so that you can relax and get ready to start learning and making new friends without having to worry about shopping.

Get Into Good Habits

We often start with the best intentions, only to fall into bad habits later on. Getting into good habits from the very start of your university journey will make it easier to stick to throughout the semester. Things like getting up early, arriving at tutorials in plenty of time, eating well, and doing any reading or coursework well before the deadline will set you up for the future while getting you off to the best start possible.

Go with an Open Mind

You’ve probably got some expectations when it comes to how life at university will be, and what you’ll learn on your course. This is normal but try to keep an open mind so that you aren’t disappointed or overwhelmed.

Ask Questions

Asking questions is the best way to learn, and everyone else in your group will be grateful to you, which can help you to make friends. If there’s anything that you are unsure about before you start, send an email asking for more information.

Get to Know Yourself

Many people seem to undergo rapid transformations when they first go away to university. This is often because at home, with the people we’ve known for years, we feel trapped. The kid who never wears dresses, never can because everyone makes such a fuss. The one who has always played sports can’t give up, because it’s what’s expected of them. At university, no one knows you. It’s a chance to get to know yourself, make some changes, and embrace the person you are becoming. Let yourself do this; it will make your whole experience happier.

Starting university is nerve-racking. Get off on the right foot and you’ll settle and start to enjoy yourself quickly.

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